Thursday, July 2, 2009

60 Minute Loan Modification Review - The Truth Exposed!

Dear desperate homeowners,

Welcome to my 60-minute loan modification review. My name is Ryan Brick, just a few months ago I went out of job (almost actually - I applied as a taxi driver to maintain living expenses) and was desperately in debt - looking at the ridiculous amount of the mortgage payment, on the other hand not willing to do a foreclosure..

.. I broke down. I cried every night behind my children and wife, although they were trying their best to support me in their own way too.

Until one day, when my son Googled "loan modification" and thank God for leading me to 60-Minute Loan Modification website. Reading everything I could in the website, it all seem so impossible to me, I mean, I've heard of loan modification firms (which are normally illegal) and the outrageous claim - "Go direct to your lender to save time and money... NO lawyers, NO closing costs, and NO dirty loan mod firms."

"Are you kidding me?" I thought, but what the heck, looking at my situation now, I'd just try it, and thank God (again) I bought it.. and you know what? 60-Minute Loan Modification is no scam! My friend, if you're still here with me now, and you want to know more about how magics work, keep reading as I reveal more in this 60-Minute Loan Modification review..

Well, from what I'm seeing, almost everyone is going to qualify for this. If you're in need and you have any type of loans that you need to bring down, this is the program for you. If you want to know if you qualify all you need to ask yourself are these questions:

* Have I had a loss of income or other hardship such as a death in the family?
* Do I have a debt ratio of between 30-50%?
* Do I have old loans that need to be paid? (Doesn't everyone?)
* Are you employed and able to make the modified, and cheaper, payments?

See what I mean about virtually everyone being qualified? It's an amazing system! Well, at this point, some of you might be saying.. "Argh, it's so complicated, and I don't even know a shit about this thing, what if I screwed it up? I'd rather hire some expert and do it for me.."

Dude, if that's what in your mind, Please, shrug it off.. Now! There is a darn good reason behind as to why you MUST do the loan modifications YOURSELF! Still in doubt? Read on further as I explain why, or you can head right off to '60-Minute Loan Modification' Website and see how Mike explains it.

Alright, before I go right into this '60-Minute Loan Modification' review, I'd like to ask you one question - How much were you expecting this whole stuff to be priced at?

Or maybe I'll ask you this way - How much are the loan modification firms are charging for such service?

Yeah well, I guess most of you already know the answers. Or if you don't, I'll tell ya here, these scammers charge you up $5,000 and in the end you'd get nothing from them! Most loan modification firms out there are illegal, although they try to make it up by promising you this and that so you'd get trap in the "Oh, I'm getting MORE than what I'm paying for!" mindset.

P/S: Ah, did I mention about recently, just one friend of mine lost $3,500 from these sharks... These guys went all the way to give him the presentations, meet ups, give a lil' bit of advice here and there and once they got his money? BAMM! That's all. They'd give TONS of excuses for not getting the job done for you!

So now, are you more willing to get 'scammed' by "60-Minute Loan Modification" at $87.95 (Less than a hundred bucks!) or you just FEEL like it to handing over $5,000 to these 'legit firms'..

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